Contact Us

Working hours:
Sunday-Thursday between 08:30 and 16:30

*By prior arrangement, tests can also be scheduled for other hours.

Phone/WhatsApp: 073-3804138 | Email:

Location and directions:

The institute is located at Tel Aviv University near the Mexico building.
Entrance to the university is on foot only.

Arrival at the university:

Gate 1 (for those arriving by car) - travel with Waze to Gate 1 (Austria): WAZE to gate 1
Gate 7 (for those arriving by bus) - traveling with Waze to Gate 7 (Frankel):WAZE to gate 7
Parking outside the university in Blue and White, or at the Natural History Museum.

Arrival at the institute:

After entering the university, click on the following link to be directed to the institute: WAZE

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